WELCOME Welcome to Victory Outreach Church of Mumbai We would like to personally invite you to be our guest at any one of our life changing services. Come eContinue Reading
VISION Reaching, Restoring and Redirecting the inner-city people of the world describes the vision of our church. But our actions best define us. We are strContinue Reading
MISSION Victory Outreach is an international, church - oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing and discipling the hurting people of theContinue Reading
PASTORAL TEAM Our current Pastoral Team members are 1 . Senior Pastor - Samson John. 2. Gang Overseer - Ganesh Devendra. 3. Girls Gang - Suganya. Continue Reading
LOCAL HISTORY Pastor Samson John Pastor John Samson was sent from Chennai, India with a call to reach the city of Mumbai.Victory Outreach Mumbai, India started Continue Reading
INTERNATIONAL HISTORY Pastor Sonny & Julie Arguinzoni The ministry of Victory outreach was born from the heart of God and was executed through the obedience of PastContinue Reading